7 Common Causes of Cravings

Ah, cravings. While I don’t encourage the overindulgence of sugars and salts, the occasional enjoyment of a special craving is completely okay. My primary issue with cravings, is in the language around it.

“Cheat foods, cheat days, guilty pleasures.”

The issue with these words is that they all carry negative weight.

Language is very powerful, as our cells are constantly listening to our thoughts and our body’s physical response is a reaction to those very thoughts. As long as you continue saying or thinking words that carry negative weight, your body will carry that weight and keep you from making stride and growth in your journey.

Another thing, cravings aren’t BAD - they’re actually a sign from our bodies that there is an imbalance. When we feel or notice a craving, that is our body’s whisper to check in and nurture. See what I’m getting at?

Our bodies are SO INTELLIGENT.

  1. Lack of Vitality in Your Lifestyle

    Be it in your fitness routine, stress in your career or relationships or spiritual uncertainty.

  2. Dehydration

    The next time you feel a craving come on for something sweet or salty, drink a glass of water and wait five minutes.

  3. Yin Yang Imbalance

    There is an expansive versus contractive imbalance happening between the foods you’re eating. So eating more neutral balancing foods can help neutralize this imbalance.

  4. Emotions Taking the Lead

    Are there certain foods from your childhood that bring you comfort, joy, a good memory? And do you find yourself craving that food often? Bingo.

  5. Seasonal

    Perhaps you find yourself craving salads in the warmer months and soups in the colder months.

  6. Lack of Nutrients

    I find that those who crave red meat, may be lacking in B vitamins or iron. This is why eating foods in variety is so important, to have that nutrient density.

  7. Hormonal Imbalance

    Fluctuating testosterone and estrogen can cause an increase in certain cravings.

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