Taking Care of Your Terrain (Your Body)

Let’s talk about The Terrain Theory.

Proposed by French scientist Antoine Bechamp, the theory is that a diseased or weakened body, the “terrain,” will attract germs. And as long as we load our bodies with things that will continue to weaken and stress it, we’ll be more susceptible to catching sickness.

We need to focus on strengthening our immune system and our bodIES through proper nourishment. Nourishment of the physical, emotional, mental and energetic body (if you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that my healing protocol is based on our 4 body types).

So, how do we support our terrain, our landscape, our bodIES?

  1. Eat a nutrient dense diet

  2. Get sun exposure - vitamin D is crucial for a healthy immune system and most of us are deficient in it

  3. Eat foods rich in zinc, vitamin C, B12 and antioxidants

  4. Incorporate proper supplementation and herbals where needed (don’t do this without the consult of a health professional)

  5. Move your body daily for minimum 30 minutes

  6. Incorporate more restorative and grounding practices

  7. Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night

  8. Limit your exposure to radiation

  9. Invest in an air purifier, indoor air is more toxic than outdoor

  10. Practice gratitude, love and compassion. Gratitude has been shown to increase immunity

  11. Find a supportive and loving community. Community and connection have been been proven to support healing

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