6 Root Causes of "Leaky Skin"

The skin is like a magic mirror.

E v e r y t h i n g in our day to day, shows up on our skin. It's our most sensitive organ, which is why we need to treat it with a lot of love

How sensitive is it? There is 1mm of bacteria on every 1cm

All of which is affected by lifestyle, environment, hygiene, diet, age and genetics.

When the skin is compromised, it leads to something called "leaky skin" similar to "leaky gut" when the gut microbiome is compromised

Here are 6 root causes of “leaky skin:”

Microbiome Disturbances


Oxidative Damage

Nutritional Deficiencies

Blood Sugar Issues

Hormonal Imbalances

What needs to be addressed internally?

If the skin is like a mirror of what is happening internally, then when it comes to healing the outer most layer of our bodies, we have to start from the inside out.

Limiting Triggers

Be it food or environmental sensitivities - the big 3 for most people are gluten, processed sugar and dairy. Environmental disturbances include smoke of any kind, ultraviolet radiation for extended periods of time without proper protection and air pollution

Enhance Gut Microbiome

We’ve all learned by now that the gut is the center for everything good, and everything not so good. If you suspect or have any digestive issues, it’s very likely that those can be disrupting the skin’s microbiome. Heal the gut and many of the physical symptoms will also start to clear out. GI Map 360 is the perfect test to start with, if you’re looking for something more comprehensive (send me an email if you want to explore this: neeyaz@unspokennutrition.com)

Reduce Inflammation

Acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, itchy dry skin are all signs of excess inflammation in the body. Adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle to reduce the overhaul of inflammation in your body (you can purchase my anti-inflammatory guide here)

Address Nutrient Deficiencies

If you’re deficient in various nutrients that are vital for healthy skin, then start there. These nutrients include vitamin A, C, D and K and omega 3 fatty acids. I also love evening primrose oil, if you want to supplement the rest of the work you’re doing to support your skin (remember, supplements are not a one size fits all nor a band-aid; you have to be doing other things to support your health, for the supplements to really work)

Balance Hormones

If your menstrual cycle, for example, is irregular and you’re experiencing severe PMS symptoms, then nurturing your monthly cycle will be a grave focus for you. Start with cycle synching, you can purchase my cycle synching guide here for guidance on how to begin

If you are seeking more personalized support to heal the health of your skin and want to explore ways to do so through nutrition, lifestyle routines and diagnostic testing…

Click this link here to schedule a free 20min call