"Weird" Period Symptoms Explained

Is it me, or is it my period? And is it, “normal?”

Period symptoms can be so strange and weird and have you wondering, is this normal?

I have curly hair. When I'm on my period one of the weirdest symptoms that I experience is frizzy, lifeless hair. I also tend to shed more hair when I'm bleeding, than any other time.

Some symptoms experienced by my clients and some of my close friends include:

Clotting, heavy painful breasts, smelly gas, clumsiness, back and hip pain, trouble speaking clearly, dizziness and lightheadedness, bloating, psychosis, sensitive and/or bleeding gums and difficulty making decisions. 

So, are these common? And what can be done for each of them?


Does your hair tend to look or feel a little different during your period? Maybe it’s frizzy, flat and lifeless, more oily, more dry, or perhaps you notice more hair shedding.

Are hair changes common? Yes.

Let’s start with the most worrisome of them all, hair shedding. During menstruation, there is a sudden drop in estrogen that can cause the hair to enter its natural shedding phase quicker than usual. This causes telogen effluvium, a temporary type of hair loss that happens during your period.

If your hair tends to be more oily, that’s due to progesterone. The week before your period, progesterone levels begin to soar and this hormone triggers sebum production - which is present on your skin, including your scalp. When you begin bleeding, progesterone levels dip and testosterone levels are now at their highest in your cycle. Higher levels of testosterone can also trigger sebum production, which is why some people experience oilier skin and scalp during their period.

Solutions: If your hair is more oily, avoid using moisturizing hair masks or oils to prevent excess buildup. If your hair is more dry, do the exact opposite. If you’re losing more hair than usual, avoid wearing your hair in tight ponytails or buns and definitely avoid sleeping on wet hair. Not to worry, your hormones will level themselves out in time and your hair pattern will return to what is your norm.


Are you noticing more clots produced when you’re bleeding? Perhaps they’re small clots or large clots. Maybe you don’t even notice that you’re passing them, or maybe you can feel them.

Are clots common? Depends.

The reason for clotting is due to the thickness of the uterine lining, which is what we shed when we are bleeding during our periods. Some people’s uterine lining is thicker than others, which might cause clots to form. The formation of clots is a result of estrogen and progesterone levels. Those that experience high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone will commonly notice more clot formation. In tandem, their bleeding might be heavier as well.

Solutions: To reduce high levels of estrogen, focus on eating more raw carrots a week before your period. Raw carrots have been shown to help reduce estrogen because of a unique fiber that binds to endotoxins and excess estrogen. Red raspberry leaf tea also helps to strengthen the uterus and help lessen heavy bleeding both during menstruation and after birth.

*If your clots are larger than a quarter and painful to pass, please speak to your OBGYN or Doctor right away to rule out any serious issues*


Tripping over nothing more frequently? Not able to hold your balance? Very annoying, but it’s not unusual!

Is clumsiness common? Yes.

Once again, estrogen comes into play. When you have higher levels of estrogen, it causes your liver to create hormones that impact the kidneys and create fluid retention in both your body and brain. This excess fluid makes it more challenging to keep your balance during your period. In fact, your inner ear (which controls your balance) can undergo some changes while on your period. This makes it more difficult to keep your balance.

Solutions: If you notice that you’re generally clumsier or imbalanced during your period, avoid any activities that would challenge your balance or field of vision. Chew gum if you’re walking on any unsteady surface, the act of clenching and unclenching the jaw muscles activates the body’s system for maintaining balance. When you’re getting up from a sitting or lying position, do it slowly.


Do you notice that your gums are more sensitive when flossing or brushing? Perhaps they even bleed a little? This is called menstrual gingivitis.

Are sensitive gums common? Yes.

If you notice more sensitive gums in the days leading up to your period and then suddenly goes away when your period begins, it could be something called menstruation gingivitis. As both estrogen and progesterone levels rise, they also dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow throughout your body. In some cases, this impacts the gums and they might become more swollen to the point that they begin to bleed when you floss or brush your teeth. Some tend to be more anemic during their period, especially if they have heavier flows. This can make gums bleed more heavily as well.

Solutions: Stay on top of your dental care hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check ups. At home this means regular flossing, brushing your teeth, using a tongue scraper to reduce bacteria buildup and mouth rinses. Stay on top of visiting your dentist for cleanings to rule out any manifestation of cavities or infections. Drink plenty of water and iron rich foods to avoid anemia or low iron levels.


Low serotonin due to ovulation mid-cycle can affect your concentration. In fact, in the days leading up to your period, many say they experience concentration, have trouble remembering things and even struggle to make decisions. In other words, this is called brain fog.

Is this common? Yes.

During menstruation, the brain may favor one memory system over another - all due to hormone fluctuations. In fact, research has shown that for women who were ovulating, they were able to perform better on verbal memory tasks; while women in pre-mensturation (or luteal) tended to be best at solving spatial navigation tasks. Depending on where you’re at in your cycle, will determine what kind of tasks you’ll likely perform best in and which ones might need to wait for a later date.

Solutions: As with any other time of your cycle, eat nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables and learn meats. Try to limit your consumption of highly processed and/or sweet and salty foods and avoid too much caffeine and alcohol. The two most important areas to focus on are sleep and stress management. Do not skimp on sleep, as that’ll set the tone for how you feel the entire next day. Find methods that help you destress, whether it’s a walk, cooking, journaling, gardening - and do it when you feel stress begin to build up. Lastly, be sure that you’re not deficient in any vital nutrients such as iron or vitamin D.

Another way is to think about cycle synching your tasks/to-do’s:

During menstrual phase (active bleeding): You're best able to discern situations because your two brain hemispheres have great communication during this phase

During follicular phase (after period): You're likely more creative and open to new things during this time

For more information on cycle synching, check out my cycle synching guide below


Well, we have estrogen to thank for this one. You’ve likely heard of the term “estrogen dominance,” meaning when there is a higher concentration of estrogen in your body than what is considered normal. When this happens, it can lead to symptoms such as fibroids in the breast tissue, heavy bleeding and yes, painful tender and heavy breasts.

Is this common? Generally, yes.

Solutions: This solution lives in your kitchen, making it accessible for many. Excess estrogen is flushed out of the body with an intake of leafy greens and vegetables, especially raw carrots. Raw carrots in particular have a particular fiber that helps to bind excess estrogen in the body and eliminate toxins. Red raspberry leaf tea has also been seen to be helpful, and it tastes delicious.


This one is uncomfortable and yet has the simplest explanation. Our GI tract undergoes changes during our periods, and this can also change the fragrance of our well, farts.

Is this common? Yes.

Estrogen and progesterone when high can cause extra gas, constipation and sometimes diarrhea. And when you’re dealt with constipation, it can usually lead to gas and pressure buildup. These hormones also cause the uterus the release prostaglandins (fatty acids) that impact your gut by stimulating the uterus to contract so it can shed the lining. But this also means that these muscle contractions can end up in other places, like your bowels and cause more gas.

Solutions: Be mindful of foods that can cause gas such as dairy and even high fiber foods like cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts. If you cannot be without them, go moderate on the ice cream and cook the raw vegetables. And with that, eat these foods slowly - you’re not in a race to finish your meal. Move your body to help keep your bowels moving and prevent constipation. And of course, drink A LOT of water.


It’s usually normal to have low back pain and even outer hip pain during your period, but that doesn’t mean it’s not annoying or limiting. The culprit here are, prostaglandins.

Is this common? Yes, but…

As we’ve just gone over, prostaglandins are what contract our uterus and also regulate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. These contractions however don’t have a single designated point - which means that they can also lead themselves into the back and outer hips. So if your back or pelvis are achy just before and/or during your period, it’s because of these hormone inducing contractions.

When this is not normal, is when the pain is so severe that you’re debilitated and unable to perform simple tasks comfortably such as walking. If the pain is constant throughout your menstrual cycle or severe, please contact your doctor and better yet, visit a physical therapist to help get you on exercises that can strengthen the pairing muscles to reduce the pain.

Solutions: One of the most important pieces of advice I provide my clients is to be very aware of how much physical stress they are putting on their bodies in the days leading up to their period. This means begin to scale back on heavy weightlifting and avoid lifting or carrying heavy objects. If you’re already experiencing the pain, topical products such as calendula, arnica and magnesium can provide relief. Explore the option of acupressure or acupuncture if the pain is more serious and even physical therapy to strengthen the supporting muscles such as the core and glutes.


Generally when estrogen levels are low, pain threshold is the lowest.

Is this common? Yes.

Solutions: If you need to schedule something like a vaccine, cosmetic procedure or anything else that might be a tad uncomfortable, schedule it outside of your period and ideally at mid-cycle when your estrogen levels are higher and your pain threshold is also higher.

Periods are wildly fascinating and incredibly strange. If your periods are giving you more discomfort than contentment, consider something like cycle synching or even working one-on-one with me to narrow down what could be contributing to the discomfort you’re experiencing.

I hope that this made you feel a little less alone and provided you with tangible steps and resources to bring more ease and peace to your cycles.

Have a “weird” period symptom? Share yours in the comment section below and things that help you with them!

5 Fertility Boosting Foods

Fertility is plummeting.

For both men and women, more are facing issues with infertility than ever before. There are various factors that contribute to this decline including testosterone levels decreasing in men, the rise of endometriosis and PCOS in females, strict diets that remove food groups, the rise of insulin sensitivity, increase in autoimmunity and nutrient deficiencies.

I love when I get the chance to work with people who are striving to become parents. It's the most special feeling when  one of my clients, who has been wanting to be a new parent, sends me a message to tell me they're expecting.

I want for those that want to be parents, to experience that kind of joy and overwhelming love.

Here are some of the top fertility boosting foods and their benefits in aiding fertility, for both men and women:

BONE BROTH: packed with collagen and ample protein, bone broth supports nearly every system of the body. Make your own at home using bones from grass fed animals or buy ones from brands such as Kettle Fire and Bonafide Organics

LEAFY GREENS: spinach, arugula, chard, kale, dandelion greens, all help increase circulation, support the liver and gallbladder and are beneficial for bone health because of the volume of vitamin K. Add a bed of greens to your lunch or dinner either raw or lightly steamed

WILD PASTURE RAISED MEATS: while I have had a number of vegetarian clients, I really cannot stress enough the importance of eating quality meat. Meat carries with it various nutrients that are otherwise not found abundantly in other foods, especially B12. And B12 is vital for development of the nervous system - for both mom and baby

HEALTHY FATS: monounsaturated fats found in avocado, olive oil, coconut and grass fed dairy contain anti-inflammatory properties that help improve fertility and promote regular ovulation

GRASS FED ORGANIC RAW MILK: IF you can tolerate it, organic raw milk from cows, sheep or goat is one of the most powerful ancient foods. Raw dairy contains essential enzymes, probiotics, vitamins A D and K2 and all 22 essential minerals

If you are trying to conceive or on the journey to one day become a parent, and want to explore ways to do so through nutrition, lifestyle routines and diagnostic testing…

Click this link here to schedule a free 20min call

The Importance of the Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is made up of muscles and tissues that support the bladder, bowel and additionally the uterus in women. They are the core muscles at the base of our bodies that stretch between the pubic bone (bottom front of the pelvis) and the tailbone (bottom back of the spine). 

“As the floor of your core, the appropriate activation and integration of your pelvic floor muscles is key for optimal core function, continence, and more” says Angela Plaquin, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist based out of Alberta, Canada.

For this reason, the health of the pelvic floor and the health of the gut microbiome go hand in hand. When the pelvic floor is weak, it can lead to issues including incontinence of the bladder and bowel, prolapse, painful sex or vulva pain for women and GI issues such as constipation. The framing of the pelvic floor also helps to stabilize the bladder, intestines and reproductive organs.

What leads to a weakened pelvic floor?

Physical stress and trauma can lead to a weakened pelvic floor.

Causes include:

- Pregnancy, specifically when supporting the weight of the uterus

- Endometriosis, which causes pelvic floor muscle tension and discomfort

- Vaginal childbirth, as that may overstretch the muscles

- Persistent and chronic coughing

- Straining to poop and chronic constipation

- Prostate cancer in men

The vast majority of pelvic floor issues affect women, as women are the ones bearing children and going through hormonal stages such as menopause. However men have also been shown to have weakened pelvic floors that greatly impact the health of their digestive system and elimination process. This makes the topic of pelvic floor health an important topic for all and an area of our healthcare that deserves adequate therapy and support.

“The pelvic floor is more than “peeing, pooping, sex and babies.” Often unknown is its very significant role in our protection response, in safety and security” Angela says. “There is a deep connection in our root to the fight, flight, freeze response. Our pelvic floor responds to stress, trauma, sense of self and much more. This is why a healthy pelvic floor requires a regulated nervous system.” 

One of the best methods to downregulate the nervous system is yoga. Yoga has been shown to help reduce chronic pelvic pain, in women specifically. The benefit of practicing yoga includes its role in aiding relaxation and improving balance.

Poses that help include mountain pose (tadasana), chair pose (utkatasana), warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2), happy baby (ananda balasana), locust pose (salabhasana), cat cow, wide legged forward fold (prasarita padottanasana), wide legged squat (malasana) and reclining cross shin (supta sukasana). You can incorporate these poses into your daily routine, as a short sequence.

On average, most people have a tight pelvic floor - meaning that the muscles are not relaxed. Just as we work to relax other muscles in our body such as rolling our shoulders back and unclenching our jaw, the pelvic floor wants to also be relaxed and softened. Meditation is an accessible way to relax the body overall, including the framework of our sit bones and the muscles around the pelvis. 

“For any muscle to function optimally, they must be able to both contract and relax.” Angela continues, “Along with awareness and practice of pelvic floor tightening (such as kegel exercises), must also come the awareness and ability to fully relax it (down train).”

Forms of relaxation such as meditation, breathing exercises, baths and massages, gives your pelvic floor the TLC it needs. “Proper breathing is the most important foundational exercise anyone can do to acquaint and support a well functioning pelvic floor,” Angela says.

Notice the way in which you take in your inhales. Proper breathing means that your inhalations are coming from the bottom of the diaphragm filling the belly, before exhaling the air out completely. In most cases, we are breathing from the top of our chest or sternum, which doesn’t invite the diaphragm to act as the key player, thus robbing the pelvic floor of one of its most important roles in our body. The contraction of the pelvic floor muscles is involved in our breathing pattern and can affect pulmonary function. The combination of our pelvic floor, diaphragm and abdominal muscles help protect our internal organs from the pressure that is experienced when we breath, speak or cough. When these muscles are optimal and thus strengthened, it creates a more supportive environment to experience these normal pressures. 

Since the role of the pelvic floor is correlated to the health of our gut microbiome, nutrition also plays a key role. A key to having a healthy digestion and encouraging consistent bowel movements, is focusing on foods that are full of fiber and varying nutrients. This helps to avoid the difficulties around chronic constipation, which as we’ve learned can lead to a weakened pelvic floor. Incorporate more plants into your diet, whole grains, beans and legumes. When our gut health is happy, our bowel movements are happy. And when our bowel movement is happy, our pelvic floor is happy. In addition to the foods we choose to eat, bring attention to the way in which we eat. Sit at each meal, chew thoroughly and avoid large bites that are hard to swallow and do your best to eat in a relaxed state. Eating with intention invites a sense of calm and supports a sense of safety and security in our bodies

Keeping our pelvic floor healthy is important for many important and necessary aspects of our lives. If you’re struggling with pelvic floor pain or digestive issues, seek out a qualified practitioner such as a Pelvic Floor Specialist Or a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist to help address your concerns in a holistic and approachable manner.